Oh my GOD everything is on fire right now ;A; I only just got a handle on my emotions. So, the ADHD struck again and I lost interest in learning how to code after a few classes. So I need to relearn the basics and everything. After the election results came in I admittedly panicked and just shut everything down. I sorta semi-left twitter, I'm debating on just deleting my whole page tbh. We'll see what happens I guess.
Though with everything going on, part of me wonders if there'll be a 'internet reset' of sorts. Maybe neocities might have a bit of a boom in webmasters :O!
I really hope everything turns out okayish in the end. That's all for now.
Bye bye

So I started taking a class to actually learn how to code.
I'm learning HTML first before I start to learn CSS. For me it's tough mostly remembering what commands do what and how to order everything. I'm sure as long as I keep up with the lessons. I'm using Codeacademy rn to learn. It's simple and they explain all the lessons pretty well I think.
I started to work more on my spidersona and her universe and it actually broke me out of my art slump. I feel more excited to create now. For a while I felt very unconfident in my art, like I wasn't improving or that I was just drawing the same thing over and over again. I think I just got bored of drawing the same things over and over again. I am still working on getting that art page set up, by the way, I just need to learn how to code the damn thing.
Oh, and I still can't drive. So that sucks.
Okie that's all.
Bye bye

Oh wowee woah it's been a hot minuite hasn't it?
I haven't had too much time to work on this website tbh, I got too busy with work and school. The keyword with any progress regarding this website is 'eventually.' Unfortunetly I am only one person and I have to prioritize a few things at a time.
But anyway, christmas was fun! I got a few things, mainly a couple purses, a cat feeder that I can't figure out how to work, and a hat/scarf set. This was also the first year I was able to get everyone presents! I was so proud of myself. I am so tired of eating tamales though =w=. I'm looking foward to the new year for the first time in a while. I don't know what my resolutions should be, though. Maybe to finally learn how to drive? I have my first driving test scheduled for febuary. Idk I'll think about it.
I think that's all for now. so.
Bye bye

I figured out how to center images :333
I really like animatedglittergraphics-n-more on tumblr, thats actually where I got this gif from so ye.
[a bit later, I didn't wanna make a new post] G A H putting images on my page is har d :( I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of css coding too, but it's still tough. Myeh. I should have my gallery up and running eventually though.
Bye bye

Hi. My name is Ali.
A bit about me, I am currrently 24 years old, I work as an accountant and I'm also in the middle of getting my degree in buisness. I wouldv'e gotten it in art, but I'm too much of a pussy to take the risk lol. I'm mostly scared of having my love for art (and all my money) being taken away from me in the process of art school. I'm autistic, and I have a nice little cocktail of mental illness that totally doesn't affect my life in any significant way hahaha(help me). 2000's-2010's internet stuff has always calmed me down for some reason, probably because it reminds me of my childhood surfing the internet without any supervision lol. It's kind of why I decided to get into making a website on here. Plus it just seemed like a fun side project.
Learning how to code is hard tho >n>
I'm a furry, my main fursona is actually the purple dragon you'll see in my banners. Her name is also Ali. I'm in the middle of making her fursuit :3 I've been making them since 2014, but I don't really plan on becoming a full time maker just due to how stressful it can be. I'll try my best to upload pictures of my creations on this website, but time is kind of running thin right now due to just how busy I am.
Things I like to talk about are:
- Furries
- Kandi (like the rave bracelets that are made out of pony beads)
- liminal spaces
- Costiming (Fursuits, kaiju suits, cosplay, etc)
- cats
- Clowns (both silly and scary :3)
Sorry if this blog is just kinda all over the place, I'm a little bad at this. Plus it's the middle of the night. So.
Bye bye